Gulmohar tree | Gulmohar meaning in English | Royal Poinciana

Gulmohar tree

Gulmohar tree, Gulmohar meaning in English is Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant. It is also called Gul Mohur, Flame tree, Peacock flower tree, Ornamental tree, Mayflower tree, etc. The scientific name of Gulmohar is Delonix regia.

Gulmohar tree
Gulmohar tree
Gulmohar is a flowering plant native to Madagascar. It is a legume or pea tree. A flamboyant display of red-orange flowers and their fern-like leaves are noted over summer.

Gulmohar's charming hues and the color of the flowers attract everyone. And hence this tree is considered one of the most beautiful trees in the world.

It is said that in the sixteenth century the Portuguese saw it in Madagascar. Countess de Poenshi was the governor of the French Cities. 

In the eighteenth century, this governer changed the name of Gulmohar to his name, Poinciana. Later St. Kittis and Nevis approved it as their national flower.

"Flower of heaven", in fact, may be the correct name of Gulmohar. And probably the most attractive name is given by french to Gulmohar,  in their language,

The leaves on the Gulmohar tree are nominal during the summer, but the flowers are so much that it is difficult to count.

Gulmohar pods are green in color while the seeds are very hard brown. When the winds blow, their voice sounds like a rattle, then it seems as if someone is talking, that's why it has the name "woman's tongue".

Gulmohar is a drought and salt-tolerant, semi-deciduous tree. It is the best tree among the quintessential trees for tropical landscapes. Coconut palm is the only rival for its fame.
Gulmohar the tree is one of the world’s most colorful trees. It provides welcome shade and spectacular color in the warm climate. Leaves are semi-deciduous and are attractive, elegant, and fern-like.

Every spring, or in blooming period tree produces clusters of long-lasting, orange-red blooms. These blooms are with yellow, burgundy, or white markings. The length of each boom is measured up to 5 inches across. displays five spoon-shaped petals.

In many tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world, it is grown as an ornamental tree.  It is found everywhere in the hot and humid places of India.

What is the meaning of the Gulmohar tree? 

If we consider Gulmohar as a Parisian name. Then in Parisian language, Gul means rose or flower, and Muhr means Seal or gold coin.

French has given Gulmohar the best name 'Royal Poinciana'. Gulmohar tree is attractive and bold. Hence it is named 'Flamboyant' in English. 

Flamboyant means showy or bold in appearance and behavior. Delonix Regia is the scientific name of it.


What is the other name of Gulmohar?

Since the local names are changed from place to place it has given a scientific name as Delonix regia for global recognition.

Royal Poincianas
Royal Poincianas
Gulmohar is also called as or other names of Gulmohar are Royal Poinciana, Flamboyant tree, Flame tree, Peacock flower tree, the flame of the forest, Sein-Pann-ni (in Myanmar), Phượng vỹ", or phoenix's tail and pupil's flower (in Vietnam). 

It is also called Fire tree, Kempu Torai, Gold Mohar, Flame tree, Acacia Roja gold, Fuatausaga, Mayirkonri, Sakuranirow, Pilampwoia Weitahta, Gultora.

Meei Flower, Shima Sunkesula, Peddaturyl, Panjadi, Mayirkonri, Mayarum, Kattikayi, Gulimohur, Erraturyl, Doddartnagrandhi, ula, Flammenbaum. 

pakai, sekoula, framboyan rojo, framboyn, rakau tamarumaru, puka kai, patai, marumaru, clavellino, uaruna, radha chura, krishna chura, tabuchan, morazan.

Malinche, josefina, guacamayo, guacamaya, flor de pavo, flor de fuego, flamboyant colorado, clavelino, arbol del fuego, royal poinciana, alasippu, etc.

Is Gulmohar an evergreen tree?

Within a week of the first flowering on the blooming Gulmohar standing on dry hard land, the entire tree is filled with flowers like dark red coals.

From spring to summer i.e. from March April to June July, Gulmohar gives a feeling of coolness in the eyes of those who bear the scorching heat covered with a sheet of red-orange flowers.

After this, the flowers begin to decrease, but by November the flowers can be seen on the tree.

Gulmohar sheds its leaves in areas with a marked dry season, during the drought, but in other areas, it is virtually evergreen.

Is Gulmohar native to India?

Gulmohar, a showy tropical tree or shrub is not native to India. Gulmohar is endemic to Madagascar's dry deciduous forests.

It is native to Madagascar but has been introduced and widely planted into tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide for its immense racemes of large scarlet orange flowers and long woody pods.

Indian history of Gulmohar

The history of Gulmohar in India is about two hundred years old. 'Raj-Aabharana’ is its Sanskrit name. A tree decorated with royal ornaments is the meaning of Raj-Aabharana.

This tree is also called 'Krishna Chood' because the Lord Krishna statue’s crown is adorned with Gulmohar flowers.

This tree grew from Madagascar but now it is in a state of extinction; Therefore, its original species has now been included in the list of protected trees.

Within a week of the first flowering on the blooming Gulmohar standing on dry hard land, the entire tree is filled with flowers like dark red coals.

From spring to summer i.e. from March April to June July, Gulmohar gives a feeling of coolness in the eyes of those who bear the scorching heat covered with a sheet of red-orange flowers.

After this, the flowers begin to decrease, but by November the flowers can be seen on the tree. Due to its similar feature, it is planted in parks, gardens, and roadside.

Gulmohar Tree Description

Gulmohar Pod and Seeds
Gulmohar Pod and Seeds
Gulmohar Seeds: Seeds of Gulmohar are brown or black in color and small in size while Gulmohar pods are green in color. It may be weighing around 0.4 grams on average and is approximately 2 cm long

These seeds are hard, glossy, oblong, and shaped very much like date seeds. In many places, it is also used for fuel work.

Gulmohar Leaves: Leaves of Gulmohar are doubly pinnate or compound leaves. They are characteristic light, bright green, and have a feathery appearance.

The length of each leaf is around 30–50 cm with 20 to 40 pairs of primary pinnae or leaflets. Each leaf is divided into 10–20 pairs of secondary pinnae or leaflets. 

The pollen grains are elongated, approximately 52 microns in size.

Gulmohar Flowers: Gulmohar is a fragrant flower. The flowers of Gulmohar are large in size. Four spreading orange-red petals or scarlets are up to 8 cm long.

A fifth upright petal called the standard is spotted with yellow and white and it is slightly larger. They appear at the ends of branches in corymbs along.

Pods of the Gulmohar plant are green and flaccid when young.  Later they turn dark-brown and woody. The length of pods can be up to 60 cm long and 5 cm wide.

Fruit / Pods: Gulmohar fruit or pods are oblong, legume, stipulate, unilocular, and elongate. Pods or fruit is green and flaccid when young. And when mature they turn to hard, dark brown, woody pods, ending in short beaks. 

After maturation pods split into 2 parts. The size of pods are approximately 3.8 cm thick, 30-75 cm long, and 5-7.6 cm broad.

Gulmohar Flower
Gulmohar flowers
Gulmohar flowers are good sources of Makarand. Honey flies hover heavily on the flowers. Pollen along with Makaranda is also obtained from these flowers. Pollination by flowers is mainly done by birds.

Within a week of the first flowering on the Gulmohar with rooted branches standing on dry hard land, the entire tree is filled with flowers like dark red coals. In addition to red, these flowers are also orange, yellow in color.

Gulmohar tree has a Madagascar's dry deciduous forest origin. It was endangered in the forest of Madagascar. Then it has been introduced into tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. 

Now at present Gulmohar is widely cultivated elsewhere.  And it is also regarded as naturalized in many of the locations where it is grown.

Species of Gulmohar

  • D. decaryi (Flamboyant Tree)
  • D. decaryi (Flamboyant Tree)
  • D. regia (Flamboyant)
  • D. floribunda (Poinciana)
  • D. leucantha (Poinciana)
  • D. pumila (Poinciana)
  • D. regia 'Kampong Yellow' (Flamboyant Tree)
  • D. regia 'Smathers Gold' (Royal Poinciana)
  • D. elata (White Gul Mohur)

Method of planting or cultivation of Gulmohar

The method of planting or cultivation of Gulmohar is as follows. The seeds of Gulmohar are collected and soaked in warm water.

The period of soaking can be varying, but it should be soaked for at least 24 hours. Then these soaked seeds are buried in warm, moist soil in a semi-shaded, sheltered position.

Instead of soaking, the seeds can also be 'pinched' or 'nicked'.  (It can be done with small scissors or nail clipper) And then planted immediately.

Moisture is penetrated the tough outer casing and stimulates germination with these two methods. When you plant seeds and the plant came out of it, then you do not have to tease that plant at all. Do not touch that plant at all.

Until the seeds grow, keep the seeds moist, that is, you have to pay attention to keeping the soil wet regularly. Water has to be given regularly. Because its seeds are very hard.

The plant should be kept in an indirect bright light location for 2-3 days.  And after two to three days gradually move to a location that receives more than 6 hours of direct sunlight.

The seedlings grow rapidly and within 3 to 4 weeks of planting the seeds in the soil, the plants start coming out of the ground.

In an ideal condition, it can be reached 30 cm in a few weeks. Gulmohar needs humidity and heat to grow, but it develops well even where there is dry heat or a desert place.

Consistent moisture during the first growing season benefits the Gulmohar tree. During dry weather watering once or twice per week is appreciable. The Gulmohar tree also can be bonsai.

Sunlight Requirement

Gulmohar is a strong tree It can withstand relatively heavy rainfall. But still, it needs some moderate to heavy sunshine to germinate and start growing. 

So to plant Gulmohar we should choose a spot considering the above requirement. In ideal condition, it grows well.

Gulmohar Tree Care / Maintenance

Gulmohar plant can grow up to five feet per year and so matures and develops pretty fast. It should be given some room to blossom and become a pride of the garden.
In the early year’s branches tend to be weak. Hence to create a stronger foundation Pruning should be used in the early years.
Pruning should be done carefully and regularly during the initial growth stages as Maintenance. But serve pruning should be avoided for up to three years. It will stop the blooming of the plant.

Gulmohar flower uses
Gulmohar Flower
Gulmohar grows quite well in summer. And as soon as winter comes, it drops all its leaves. Then only these branches are visible. And again it starts going green in February.

Fertilizer also can be given to the Gulmohar plant but it does not need more fertilizer. So 25 days is the right period to give fertilizer. 

Care for the Gulmohar tree is limited to an annual feeding in spring. Well-established Gulmohar trees require very little supplemental irrigation. Use a complete fertilizer with a ratio such as 8-4-12 or 7-3-7.

In certain cases where you need to grow and flow the tree needs to be given more fertilizer to it.

When you give fertilizer to any tree, you have to follow this method. Make a pit of four and 4 inches, after that, put 1 kg fertilizer in this pit, after that fill the pit with soil. In this way, fertilizer can be given in the tree.

Pests & Diseases

Gulmohar is a strong tree and its plant is extremely resistant to most kinds of pesky pests. So pests won’t be a problem.
If ever there are insects in Gulmohar, mix 5 ml neem oil in water and spray it on the plant. In this way, spray the mixture continuously for 2 days. This will kill insects.

Cutting method of Gulmohar cultivation

Semi-hardwood cutting is another method of propagation of Gulmohar. This method is less common but it is an effective method.

In this method, the branches of the Gulmohar tree consisting of the current or last season's growth can be cut into 30 cm sections. And then planted in a moist potting mixture.

Cuttings take a few months to root. And hence this method is a slower method. Even this method is slower than the seed propagation method but it is the preferred method for ensuring new trees are true to form.

This cutting method is a common method of propagation for the rarer yellow-flowering variety of the Gulmohar tree.

Presence of Gulmohar around the globe

Gulmohar is of a Madagascar origin.  But it is now widespread in most subtropical and tropical areas of the world.

It is native to Madagascar and Zambia. Gulmohar is exotic in Brazil, Jamaica, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Singapore, South Africa, Mexico, Niger.

Sri Lanka, Sudan Burkina Faso, Cyprus, Ethiopia, India, Uganda, United States of America, Egypt, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania.

Gulmohar tree leaves
Gulmohar tree leaves

Asia south

Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant is planted in India. In India, it is named as Gulmohar. It is referred to as the May-flower tree in India. It is called Gul mohr in West Bengal, Bangalore, Odisha, and Sri Lanka. 

This plant is also grown in Karachi, Pakistan. Gulmohar is announcing the coming of the new year In Mauritius and La Réunion.

Asia Southeast

Gulmohar is called as Sein-Pann-ni in Myanmar. It is a sign of the Thingyan Festival (Apr 13 - 16/17) in Myanmar. The time of flowering of Gullmohar in Myanmar is March in the south and early to late April in the north. In Myanmar, it is planted in gardens and as a roadside tree. 

Gulmohar is an official tree of Vietnam. It is grown in Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The flowering of Gulmohar is the signal of the imminent arrival of the monsoon rains in the Philippines.

In these countries, the Gulmohar tree is called "Phượng vỹ", or phoenix's tail. In Vietnam, it is a popular urban tree. The flowering season of Gulmohar is May–July in Vietnam.

The same time is the end of the school year in Vietnam. Due to this coincidence, the flower of Gulmohar is sometimes called the "Pupil's flower".  The city Hải Phòng is nicknamed as "Thành phố Hoa phượng đỏ" ("City of red Gulmohar").

Asia East

Gulmohar is also cultivated in and grows in Southern China and Hong Kong. Gulmohar is an official tree in Taiwan, Xiamen Fujian Province. 

It is also an official tree in  Shantou, People's Republic of China (PRC), and Canton Province. University located in Tainan, named as National Cheng Kung University put Gulmohar or royal Poinciana on its emblem.

The Middle East and Europe

Gulmohar is planted in Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan. It is also planted in the Mediterranean parts of Europe. It is also planted in North Africa, including the southern coast of Spain, the Valencian coast, the Canary Islands.


Gulmohar is cultivated and grows in Guam. In the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Gulmohar is the official tree.


Gulmohar is very widely planted and grown in Northern Australia. In southern Australia, it was limited to South East Queensland. 

In the suburbs of Brisbane, it is a popular street tree. Now in Sydney and other parts of New South Wales Gulmohar is grow and bloom successfully.

Caribbean and Central America

Gulmohar can be found in The Bahamas, Nicaragua, Cuba, Haiti, Belize, Cayman Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, Jamaica, and Curacao.
You will find Gulmohar in Hawaii and Mexico, especially in the Yucatan peninsula and Bermuda, and the town of Peñuelas.

Flame of the forest
Flame of the forest
Puerto Rico is nicknamed "El Valle de Los Flamboyanes". The meaning is "The Valley of the Poinciana Trees". It is located about 19 kilometers or around 12 miles west of Ponce. 

Gulmohar or flamboyant trees are found along the surrounding Río Guyanese, Río Macana, and Río Tallaboa rivers. Hence it is nicknamed "El Valle de Los Flamboyanes".

South America

Gulmohar is planted and grow throughout the whole of Brazil such as Paraguay, Peru, etc

The blooming season of Gulmohar flowers

Gulmohar flowers blooming season is varies from country to country or place to place. In southern Florida, it blooms in June, and in Caribbean countries, between May and September.

In India and the Middle East, it flowers between April-June. Its blooming season in Australia is December to February when it receives a sufficient amount of heat. 

It blooms between March and June on northern Mariana Island.

Medicinal use of Gulmohar

Gulmohar flowers are as beautiful to look at, as are those with curative properties. The flowers are sweet, pillar, nutritious, and soft. 

Depending on the class of flowers, it is basically of two types - 1. Red Gulmohar and 2.Yellow Gulmohar. Its medicinal properties are also different depending on the color of the flowers.

Gulmohar flowers and legumes are sweet, enhancing the desire to eat, are soft and nutritious. It is beneficial in general weakness, thirst, diarrhea or diarrhea, blood loss, nose bleeding disease, white water, Kamala or jaundice, anorexia, and diabetes.

Yellow Gulmohar
Yellow Gulmohar
Yellow Gulmohar is cool, balsamic, and reduces all three defects. It is a lump, arthritis, and sinus destroyer.

The Seeds and the bark of Gulmohar are also of Ayurvedic importance. Tribal people use their bark for headaches and digestion.

The bark of its stem helps blood clotting (the property of stopping the blood coming out of injury) and the leaves with the properties of detritus are cold, diuretics, inflammation-reducing properties, and analgesics.

Gulmohar seeds have also been used in combination with other herbs in some Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes. Gulmohar bark is also used in malaria medicine.

Many such medicines are available in the market today, in which some form of Gulmohar seed or bark has been added. Gulmohar flowers are used to make Holi colors.

Economic Benefits of Gulmohar

Bee forage is produced by using apiculture Flowers.

Gulmohar as Fuel

Pods and wood of Gulmohar are used for fuel. The sapwood is light yellow and the heartwood is yellowish to light brown in color.

Timber or wood of Gulmohar is heavy of 0.8 specific gravity approx. It is also coarse-grained, brittle, soft, and weak. It takes a good polish and it is durable and resistant to water.

Resin or Gum From Gulmohar tree

Gulmohar tree yields water-soluble gum, which is thick mucilage, reddish-brown or yellowish in form of warty tears. The gum contains in seeds is used in the textile and food industries. Manufacturers of tablets are using the gum obtained from the dried seeds as a binder.

Oil is known as the “Sangam” or “Karanga” oil of commerce is obtained from the seeds. Gulmohar seeds contain 18 to 27.5 % fatty oil. This oil is used in the tanning industry.


Madagascar island native Ornamental plant Gulmohar is now present all over the world. Its timber, seed pods, seeds, flowers all are beneficial. It has many medicinal properties such as Anti-Inflammatory activity, Antidiabetic activity, Anti-diabetic activity, etc. This tree has very good economic importance.

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