Peepal tree in English | Sacred fig | Pipal tree in English | Peepal plant

Peepal tree

The Peepal tree in English called sacred fig or Ficus religiosa. It is also known as the Pippala tree, Bodhi tree, Peepul tree, or Ashwati tree. Elephants eat its leaves with great fervor. Hence it is also called Gajabhakshi.
Peepal Tree
Peepal Tree

Peepal trees are native to the Indian subcontinent and thrive most in hot, humid climates. These trees like sunlight more. It is often available everywhere. A Peepal tree is always found on the side of roads, in temples or gardens.
Although this tree grows anywhere on its own it grows best on most loam types of soil. In the months of March and April, its leaves fall to the ground. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

Peepal tree is a giant tree of the species of banyan tree but this shade is less than a banyan tree. In some religions, it has a religious significance. It has its symbolic meaning of enlightenment and peace.

What is the Peepal Tree? 

The Peepal tree is called a very dry season - deciduous or semi-evergreen tree. The shade of the Peepal tree is very cold. The expansion, spread, and height of this tree are wide and very vast. 

This tree is about 30 meters tall by 98 fits and with a trunk diameter of about 3 meters.

Peepal tree Bark

The bark of the old tree is torn and white-brown in color. The leaves of this tree are very beautiful, shaped like heart shape and like betel leaf. Its leaves are about 10 to 17 cm long and 8 to 12 cm wide. Its new leaves are soft, smooth, and light red in color.

Peepal tree leaf

Its leaves are pointed from the front. During springtime, new leaves of dense color start coming on its leaves and then these leaves become dark green.

Peepal Leaves
Peepale Leaves

In India, in many places, people collect the Peepal tree leaves and clean them and dry them. After that paint them with gold acrylic to preserve them for years.

Peepal tree fruits

Its fruits are smooth, spherical, small. It is green in raw state and purple in a ripe state. Its seed is half as much as that of a mustard seed, yet its tree takes the largest form and lives for many years.

Peepal tree roots

The roots of this tree are very strong and spread. These roots of the Peepal tree are covered with seeds inside the soil and extend very far. As similar to the Vat tree, its old tree trunk and thick branches emerge from it. This is called peep beard.

These roots are not very thick and long. When we break or peel its trunk or branches or breaks the soft leaves a sticky white substance (like milk) is produced.

This tree is also called the longevity tree. The reason is that it is a very long-lived tree, with an average lifespan of between 900 and 1500 years. Some trees live for 3,000 years.

Where is Peeple Tree found or grown?

Peepal tree is found in the sub-Himalayan forests of India, West Bengal and Central India. Due to its religious importance in Hindu and Buddhism, Peepal tree is planted around temples.

Peepal tree medicinal properties.

The different parts of the Peepal tree are also used medicinally and many more Benefits can be taken in diseases.

In many old Ayurvedic texts, the properties of the Peepal tree and its leaves (Peepal Leaf) have been told that the use of Peepal improves the color provides relief from wounds, swelling, pain.

The peepal tree cleanses the blood. Peepal tree bark is beneficial in urinary-vaginal disorders. The use of peepal bark clears the stomach. It helps in conceiving by enhancing sexual stamina.

The use of Peepal trees is also beneficial in gonorrhea, phlegm defects, diabetes, leucorrhea, respiratory diseases. Apart from this, you can also use Peepal tree parts in many other diseases. Let us know about it in detail.

"Peeple tree’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen is also unmatched. It gives life to people in every way."

Peepal Tree Benefits and Uses

Dental Disease: Mix an equal quantity of bark of Peepal and vat tree and cook in water. Rinse it cures diseases of teeth.

Teeth are strengthened by brushing daily with a fresh twig. This kills bacteria and reduces gingivitis. Apart from this, the smell of Peepal foul smell also ends.

Effect of toxin: In such conditions when a poisonous animal has bitten a physician is not present, the juice of the Peepal tree leaf is given to the patient. And after a while, the effect of the toxin is reduced.

If a physician is not present on time when a poisonous an animal is bitten when the juice of the Peepal leaf is given to the patient after a while, the effect of the toxin is reduced.

Colds: Peepal tree is also beneficial in the problem of cold and cold. Dry Peepal leaves in shade and make a decoction with sugar candy and drink it, there are many benefits. This helps in the recovery of colds quickly.

Constipation; In constipation or problem of gas, Peepal tree leaves are used as a medicine. Peepal tree leaves are also considered as a bile destroyer, so its use is beneficial in stomach problems. 

Bile problem is eliminated by taking the juice of its fresh leaves and drinking a teaspoon in the morning and evening.

Increase appetite: If somebody feels less hungry then he can take benefits of the Peepal tree in this problem. 

Problems of phlegm, bile, blood disorders, poisoning, burning sensation, vomiting, and loss of appetite can be cured by Consuming ripe fruits of the Peepal tree.

Skin diseases: In skin problems such as ringworm, itching, itching eating soft leaves of Peepal tree, or drinking its decoction is beneficial. Applying Peepal tree bark is also beneficial to the problem of boils and pimples.

Asthma: Ayurvedic experts believe that it is beneficial for the asthma patient or for them who are suffering from respiratory disease to be around the Peepal tree.

Compare to other trees Peepal tree releases more oxygen into the atmosphere and keeps the air pure. We can use it as a home remedy for respiratory diseases such as asthma.

Skin color:  Peel bark paste or its leaves can also be used to improve skin color. It is also used to reduce wrinkles of the skin. We can apply the soaked fresh root of Peepal tree to reduce skin wrinkles

Body Weakness: Taking half a teaspoon powder of Peepal tree fruit with milk thrice a day ends physical weakness.

Breath shortness: Peepal tree is also very beneficial in any type of breathing problem. In breathing problem remove the inner part of Peepal tree barks and dry it. By eating powder of this dried part all the problems related to breathing can be cured.

Reduce stress: Those who are chew Peepal tree leaves are rich in antioxidants, chewing its soft leaves regularly reduces stress, and also reduces the effect of increasing age.

Syphilis disease: Burn the bark of Peepal tree and make it ash. Sprinkling this ash on syphilis is beneficial.

Hemorrhage: In case of bleeding from the nose, breaking the fresh leaves of peepal and extracting the juice from it is very beneficial. Smelling and sniffing of Peepal tree leaf also provide relief.

Click to Read about  Gulmohar Tree

Click to Read about  Ashoka Tree

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