11 Best Low Light Indoor Plants for Any Home

Most of us loves indoor plants. We afraid to try growing houseplants in our home, or in our particular room. We love indoor plants but we do not have the perfect conditions within our homes to cater to the air, light and water requirements of most popular indoor plants. In the beginning we required Indoor plants low light low maintenance so we can easily grow them. Since we don’t have enough light, especially sunlight in our apartment we fear to grow them in our room. In such situation we need best low light indoor plants for home which can grow in low light or no light

Indoor plants makes a space brighter, greener and feel prettier. They also promote inspiration, well being and feeling of happiness. These plants reconnect us with nature as well as most of them purify our air also. In this article we are going to give you a solution for this problem. You will get information about 11 plants which thrive in low-light conditions and most of them are low maintenance.

Philodendron plant

These plants need little more water or moist soil. It is better to put finger in the soil and check it, if it feels dry it means it’s needed some water. Take care when watering the pant that it should not to over-water.

Philodendron plant
Philodendron plant

How to care Philodendron plant

This plant required watering when the soil is dry. It should be water regular intervals depends on the weather conditions. Infrequently watering may occur to leaves turned slightly yellow or orange. Sometimes lack of light also makes leaves slightly yellow or orange. In such case try to move these plants outdoors once in 15 days. During hot summer days regular misting is necessary. 

Snake plant

This indoor plant is very hardy low light indoor plant.  It also does very well in absolute no light conditions. This plant need once in a three to four weeks watering.

Snake Plant
Snake Plant

How to care Snake plant

This hardy low light plant can grow anywhere and any position away from direct sunlight. Its need very little water more watering may damage it. This plant will thrive in any environment from homes to offices. If this plant start yellowing in like no light area then keep it two to three days in light such as balcony and then after bring back to its place.

Zanzibar Gem or zz pant

This is also another almost no light plant. This plant can do well in almost completely dark space. Which means a space where you would need artificial light a tube light or a bulb even during the day. And number one plant for such a space is zz plant.

Zanzibar Gem
Zanzibar Gem

How to care Zanzibar Gem or zz pant

This plant does well in slightly cooler space. It prefers a low light interior. So try to keep it at slightly cooler space. Its need very little water. Amount of water it needs depends on the amount of light it gets. More son more water less son less water. This plant needed very less light but if it starts yellowing then I shift it to the balcony for 2-3 days and then I bring it back.

Peace Lily (Spathyphylum)

This is also a good indoor plant. It is a best plant to those people who don’t want water monitoring. Plant itself indicate that it’s needed watering by drooping its leaves. Its needed watering twice in a month or after every two weeks depending on the space. 

Peace Lily
Peace Lily

How to care Peace Lily

Direct sunlight is not doing well for this indoor plant. And it does not like cold also. It needed bright light, this plant endure in bright room. It thrive in the shade. It require regular mist in summer. Water this plant when leaves starts drooping or water it when bit of soil is dry. If you notice peace lily, they're browning tips of leaves, then it is sure a watering problem.

Cast Iron plant (Aspidistra)

Cast Iron Plant its name suggests that it cannot be easily damaged or destroyed. It is close to indestructible indoor plant.

Cast Iron plant
Cast Iron plant 

How to care Cast Iron plant

This Indestructible indoor plant can thrive in dry and hot summers. As well as it has no problem with cold weather. If it doesn’t get too much sun then also no problem, no need to worry, when there is a dry soil water it.

Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica ‘rubra’)

This indoor plant has beautiful dark foliage. Its new growth is pink in color.

Rubber Plant
Rubber Plant

How to care Rubber Plant

This plant also don’t need direct sunlight. Low or little bright room is ok for this plant. It’s needed moist soil. Neither wet nor bone dry. As per the season water it either once in a week or after once in a two weeks.

Pink Syngonium

This indoor plant easy to care. If you're an absolute beginner and you want to bring in some plants at home then syngonium is your friend. Syngonium are are twotypes Pink syngonium and Green syngonium.

Pink Syngonium
Pink Syngonium

How to care Pink Syngonium

Touch the soil and see, if it sticks to your finger don't add water otherwise add water. For syngoniums just keep an eye on watering. They also propagate very easily. What you have to do is take a cutting just under the node and put it in water. You can propagate them very easily.


This indoor plant needs medium to low light space. If you're keeping them in brighter light ensure that there's some kind of shade around this plant.


How to care Caladiums 

As this indoor plant don’t need more sunlight take care that it should not exposed to direct sun light.  If the sun especially the noon sun falls on this plant it will die, it'll shrivel. And you don't want that to happen. So keep it in a medium to low light space.

Chinese evergreen

This indoor plant is beautiful. It is very common for low light spaces. They will start blooming once you give them lighter.

Chinese Evergreen
Chinese Evergreen

How to care Chinese evergreen

This plant needed high humidity moist soil. Dry air harm this plant. But water it carefully as excessive watering may lead to fungal problems which may cause stem or root rot. Direct light should also be avoided, but it needed light it thrive best in filtered light.

China doll 

This is another indoor plant. They just look nice hanging but if you want to add some height to your space in a low light space I would recommend this china doll. Add something for support which helps this plant to climb taller.

China doll
China doll

How to care China doll

Just ensure in fact for all these plants, you have to enjoy just one thing that water whenever the soil looks dry on the top. Touch the top soil and see if it sticks to your finger or not. If it doesn't stick to your finger it's powdery like, add water to the plant. One problem with china doll is that it might stop growing. So what you have to do is clip the top part of it and in that case a side growth will start this applies to all indoor plants.

Lucky Bamboo 

The third plant for absolute no light conditions is like our washroom is lucky bamboo. We can grow it in soil also. But i highly recommend it to grow in water.

Lucky Bamboo
Lucky Bamboo 

How to care Lucky Bamboo

Change its water regularly and wash the roots to avoid yellowing of the leaves by any fungal growth. If you happen to stay in a place that gets hard water I recommend using row water otherwise regular water is just fine. And this plant does equally well in soil as well. But I prefer water.

Pothos (Money plant)

The forth plant for absolute no light conditions is like our bathroom is Pathos or money plant. It also known as Devil's Ivy. This low light indoor plant can easily grow without sunlight. We can grow it in soil also. But I highly recommend it to grow in water.

Pothos / Money Plant
Pothos / Money Plant

How to care Pothos/ mony plant

Change its water regularly and wash the roots to avoid yellowing of the leaves by any fungal growth. It is a tough plant. This indoor plant can also purify the air of carbon monoxide. Water periodically and trim the vines to keep the Devil's Ivy or Pathos looking full and luscious.

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